Community-led Events

PoolTogether has a thriving global community that many people call their home. Inarguably the protocol is where it is today, because we all are PoolTogether, together. One of PoolTogether’s core values from the start has been to always be fun and engaging.

With this program we want double-down on that and allow you to take over. Help us create better spaces to connect, form relationships, and celebrate being a Pooler.

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Introducing community-led events

With the community-led events program it becomes easier to spin up events, clubs, contests, or any other form of community gatherings you can imagine.

Community-led events are planned and hosted by you, the community. 🫵

Events can literally be anything, no matter if virtual or in person.

To help you host your event and actively help forming our culture, we curated the initial event guidelines & application checklist. Over the next months will will build out our range of guidelines and helpful resources to help you succeed.

Community-led events are powerful

Community-led event programs are proven to

and much more!

Let’s take Duolingo as an example

A team of 3 people responsible for running 2600 events per month! How do they achieve that? With the power of community! Duolingo leverages their community advocates to help the community host their very own meet-ups, community calls, or events.

Using streamlined processes and actively applying learnings, Duolingo manages to fill the many needs of their hyper-diverse community.

Event Guidelines